Vol Pub Title Author Epub Mobi
121 Apr-17 The Assembly of God       e m
The Fruit of Exercise Andrew Martin
The Book of Grace David J Wright
Contemplating His Glory Tom C Munro
122 May-17 Spiritual Refinement Paul Martin e m
Divine Communications John Laurie
Psalm 45 Percy Lyon
123 Jun-17 Fulfilling Responsibility   e m
The Perservation of God's House Harold J Klassen
That Which Can Be Done A John E Temple
Following in His Steps D Andrew Alexander
124 Jul-17 The Person of the Son   e m
Light and Words Jim M Macfarlane
Banners Lifted Up Bob Gray
"To Whom then will ye liken God?" Andrew Martin
125 Aug-17 Comfort   e m
The Importance of Prayer Alistair M Brown
The Mystery of God's Will Richard M Brown
Letter Mrs C. A. Markham
126 Sep-17 A Saviour Who Is Christ the Lord David C Brown e m
Peace Richard M Fry
Heavenly Things Doug J Klassen
Stand Up for Jesus Colin J Brien
God's Urging I Mark Webster
127 Oct-17 Love for Christ Maintained   e m
Healing G Bruce Grant
Our Place In Christ Bert Taylor
Healing and Opening George A Coull
128 Nov-17 Perfectly United   e m
Spiritual Growth in Difficult Times Bill S Chellberg
Jesus Christ Our Saviour Bob Gray
129 Dec-17 The Glad Tidings of the Christ David J Hutson e m
Jesus Crowned with Glory and Honour Jim T Brown (Edinburgh)
"Thou Art Mine" Paul A Gray
The Continuance of the Testimony Bob Gray
Influence David McLaren
An Assembling Shout Philip E Hogan
130 Jan-18 The Waiting Time   e m
Repairing Stephen McLaren
Thankfulness Andrew Grant
The Return of the Prodigal Son John N Darby
131 Feb-18 "I Am the Bread of Life"   e m
Divine Feelings Jimmy Drummond
Food for the Land David A Brown
The Lord is Near David J Hutson
132 Mar-18

The Light of the World, the Door of the Sheep, and the Good Shepherd

  e m
Enlargement Rodney Brown