David J Hutson
(with Christ 5th April 2023)
The mountains high, the rocky cave,
The fortress on the hill -
A stronger refuge, Lord, I have
In Thee - my soul, be still.
My help is not from earthly height,
And though I rest in sleep
Thou slumb'rest not, but day and night
Thy faithful watch dost keep.
Creator Thou of all things here
Which might disturb my rest,
Why should my heart be filled with fear?
Why ever be distressed?
For Thou, blest Father, art above,
And Thou, Lord, with me art,
While, Thou, blest Spirit, God’s own love
Dost shed within my heart.
And thus, O God, Thy perfect love
My ev’ry fear has stilled,
And as I turn to Thee above
My heart with joy is filled.