Joseph Pellatt

Nearer home, yes, one day nearer,

         To our Father's house on high,

And His love is growing dearer

         As the days glide swiftly by.

Sorrow's storm will soon be over,

         Tempests never more will come,

Tents no more will form our cover,

         We shall dwell in peace at home.


“Yet a little while” He's coming!

         We have got His promise sure;

Patience waits, while love is yearning

         For His presence in the air.

Sleeping ones will rise immortal,

         Living we shall changèd be;

Then caught up through glory's portal,

         We shall all our Saviour see.


“As He is” in all His glory

         His own image we shall bear,

From Himself learn love's sweet story,

         And His throne and kingdom share.

O what bliss! to be thus near Him,

         Satisfied His heart will be;

Filled with joy beyond all measure,

         When His glorious face we see.


21st September 1912


new and enlarged editions available from

The Closing Ministry of Joseph Pellatt

“Poems by Joseph Pellatt”