John 12: 27-32; 17: 3-8, 26

DS  This verse in John 17 was referred to this morning: “I have manifested thy name to the men whom thou gavest me out of the world.  They were thine, and thou gavest them me”.  We sometimes sing that hymn:

         Thou gav’st us, Father, in Thy love,

         To Christ to bring us home to Thee

                           (Hymn 88).

I wondered if we could get some help as to these two thoughts.  There is the fact that the Father in His purpose has given us to Christ, and then has given us to Christ that He might ‘bring us home to Thee’.  I think it is a circle and environment where divine  affections are at rest, a circle where we can understand something of the relationships between the Father and the Son. 

         These are wonderful things to understand, that in the great grace and majesty of it all the Father has given us to Christ: He has given us to the One who is the Son.  I wondered if this scripture in John 12 would help us to see that this is the means by which we have been given to Him, to show us that not only is He going a suffering way, but as He speaks here in John 12, He says, “and I, if I be lifted up out of the earth, will draw all to me”.  The Lord is not only going in to remove everything that stood in the way, but as being lifted up He is going to draw them to another place, another environment, outside of death, outside of breakdown and outside of failure; so that in drawing us to Christ we have to see that He is the Object.  He is the great One who has taken us in, as we touch sometimes, as the Minister of the sanctuary, to lead us in to know something of the Father; “I and the Father are one”, John 10: 30.  The great operations of the Lord as coming here were related to the Father in everything; that was the great purpose and end in everything in which the Lord operated.  He never did anything for Himself.  How wonderful to look upon the Lord in that way and to see that He did nothing of Himself, everything, and His object, was to do the will of Him who sent Him. 

         So He says in John 17, “I have glorified thee on the earth, I have completed the work”.  I used to think that that was that He had finished the work in relation to redemption, and that is true, but it is further than that: “I have finished the work”, shows that He has put something into the souls of those who followed Him as giving them the word, and that word being with them - those who had been given to Him, given to Christ.  There were those that were disciples of the Lord’s life here, following after Him, learning from Him, learning of His grace, learning of His footsteps here; and they had received the word and they had taken it in.  So there is something here that they learned of the Lord Jesus which we can get some help on.  I wondered if we could get some help on the distinction of the thought of the “word”, and then later on He says, “I have made known to them thy name”.  So there is some distinction that we can make in that, something more inward in that thought, “I have made known to them thy name, and will make it known; that the love with which thou hast loved me may be in them and I in them”.

DCB  That is helpful and I think confirms exercises from this morning.  The Son is the One who knows the Father, the only One who knows the Father and has made Him known.  The great exercise of John’s gospel especially is to make the Father known, and that entails bringing us into the Father’s sphere, bringing us into the area that the Father has in mind.

DS  I think so.  I think it is good for us as young believers to see that that is the object of the Lord’s desire as saving us and redeeming us; it is not to leave us in a void or leave us in some empty space, but to bring us as those who are redeemed and to bring us to the place He Himself enjoys as going to the Father.  His great objective in coming here was to lead many sons to glory, to take everything back in a state and suitability like Himself for the Father’s glory and pleasure.

JTB  Gethsemane is not treated specifically in John’s gospel, and it just struck me in the light of what you are saying, without downplaying at all the sufferings of the Lord Jesus in relation to Gethsemane, that His great objective here is to bring us where the Father’s name can be known and where His love can be known.  I was just struck freshly with the words in your last scripture, “And I have made known to them thy name, and will make it known; that the love”: that is one of the specific reasons why the Father’s name was known, that eternal love should be experienced by us.

DS  That is very helpful; I like what you say, and you are emphasising the matter of going that way of suffering love in order to make known the Father.  Everything really that the Lord made known here had come from the Source, the Father Himself.  It was really the Father’s heart, and the Father’s love that the Son was making known.  I think these words were spoken for them to hear, for them to take in and to hear the fact that the Lord was here and suffering.  It affected me in this scripture, “I, if I be lifted up out of the earth, will draw all to me”; He was the great object of everything that was going to carry everything back in life, in sonship and in glory for the Father’s praise.

JTB  Just that, and what you are saying about “draw all to me” puts a fresh lustre on this scripture.  He is drawing us to Him, not only for His own satisfaction but it is for His Father’s in the context of these scriptures, do you think?  It adds particular lustre to the sufferings of Christ that it was not just an end of His own; He had in mind but the gratification of His Father’s heart.  In John 4 He knew intimately the desires of His Father’s heart, and you can see that there is some expression here of how these desires have been met.

DS  I think that is very helpful and it is good to see that now as having the Spirit in our day we can contemplate that blessed One, and as pondering Him we can understand His feelings in relation to carrying everything through, so that everything as seen in Him may be expressed in us as we go back into that realm; that hymn we sang says -

         Thou gav’st us, Father, in Thy love,

         To Christ to bring us home …

It is a settled environment.

TWL  It is not just that He says, “if I be lifted up” but, “if I be lifted up out of the earth”.  You could say the Lord is anticipating the time of testimony and trial being gone, and rather the atmosphere of rest.  He is really bringing them in, into the exercise of what He enjoyed Himself, His own relations with His own Father.

DS  It shows the wonderful grace of the Lord Jesus at this time, because He was anticipating what He had to go through as a real Man, but He had in view those who were going to be the beneficiaries of His goodness as going into death, “if I be lifted up”; He was going to be a drawing point for those who loved Him, and as understanding something of His redemptive work He was going to carry them into the relationship which He enjoyed Himself.  “I have glorified thee on the earth, I have completed the work”: He desired to be taken back into that which He enjoyed in that settled environment, not just for Himself, speaking reverently and carefully, but that He may bring others like you and me into it.

TWL  And so the Father says, “I both have glorified and will glorify it”; that is how it has been manifested, and who it has been manifested in, but then the place of that relationship was not for the earth; it was never for the earth: it is the place where the Father dwells and the Son with Him, and that was never for the earth, never for the area where testimony and failure and those things had to happen, but restful and settled conditions; that is where He takes us.

DS  He takes us to that environment because all that dwells there is of what is of the Father’s nature; it is of the nature of God.  It is His love!  Nothing else: everything else within the bounds of man and of his own self will, or whatever is of man according to flesh, has been done away with at the cross, and the Man who has taken it away is the Man who is leading now as Minister of the sanctuary, and is taking everything in life and glory and praise back to the object that He came to manifest in the first place.  But the manifestation of the Father is seen in Christ Himself, “He that has seen me has seen the Father”, John 14: 9.  So we learn everything of what the Father is as the source of all in Christ the Man Himself.  I think that is a wonderful thing to take account of.

DHM  So He takes us to that place which has been prepared, does He not?  I am enjoying what you are bringing forward.  We had that hymn this morning:

         He bringeth us to this blest place

                  Where we with Him can sing

                                  (Hymn 374),

and towards the end of the hymn it goes on to say,

         On us shines favour ne’er to dim -

         The love wherewith Thou lovest Him

We could not be brought to a finer place.  Do you think there is that wonderful suggestion in what you are bringing forward that things are now heavenly?  They are no longer earthly.  The work on earth had been completed, it was finished and there is anticipation here, but it is finished, and it is pointing towards another Man in another realm.

DS  Very good!  As coming here, and as moving from the first moment He came into this earth, the Lord says in Luke’s gospel, “did ye not know that I ought to be occupied in my Father’s business?”, chap 2: 49.  His whole objective here is to do the will of Another, and it was to lead a company, according to what He was as a heavenly Man, leading them into a heavenly environment.

GH  We had a hymn given out this morning, hymn 72:

                  Our God whom we have known,

                  Well known in Jesus’ love,

                  Rests in the blessing of His own,

and it goes on to say,

                  Glory supreme is there,

                  Glory that shines through all;

                  More precious still that love to share

                  As those that love did call.

I think the impression was as to God’s love, and what it called upon, and that by knowing the Lord we know God.

DS  Yes, it is a wonderful thing to see that we are drawn in to share that!  It shows the unselfish character of divine love, and this is the means which God has taken to recover you and me through Christ, not to leave you there, but to bring you back to the place Christ Himself enjoys.  Another hymn we sang this morning was:

         And to know the blessed secret

                  Of His preciousness to Thee.

                              (Hymn 277)

By the Spirit we are brought into these secrets of the relationship which are in Him. 

GH  And there is a line as well in that same hymn,

         Our God the centre is;

It is a place where God’s Spirit is prevalent; there is only Him; there is no disturbance of anything of man’s nature in His presence.

DS  Yes, very helpful; that is why we need the Holy Spirit: we need the Spirit of God.  Someone asked that question a little while ago, and what came out of it was good, because we sometimes think we just need the Spirit to go through the wilderness, but we need the Spirit more so in some sense in the service of God, because it is the service of God, and the Spirit is a divine Person and the only means by which we can enter in spirit into the feeling side of what is there in relationships between divine Persons.

BH   I was going to say that in the morning occasion, as you move through the service, you get a real impression of the way that divine Persons have moved, and our involvement in it; it moves the hearts, does it not?

DS  Yes, it does.  I think it is a wonderful thing to see that the Lord coming in at the Supper: as coming to His own in that sense, although we must recognise who He is and He has great joy in His assembly, His great desire, the great purpose of the Lord’s movement in love is to take us to the Father.  He has been taken up there Himself and He is the preeminent One, and the great thing in the circle of love is that we are loved with the same love.  There is no discrepancy in that area.

THB  I was thinking in terms of the position that the Lord Jesus has; it is central to everything.  I was looking at the scripture at the beginning of Hebrews where it speaks as to Him, “for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons to glory”, chap 2: 10.  Everything is centred in Christ, is it not?

DS  It must be so, because Christ is the divine standard, that Man is the standard which is for God, and I think that is another wonderful thing to understand, that He came in to show that as here as a suffering Man, as One who was humbled, One who was obedient, One who was here in relation to the will of Another, and I think the more we learn Christ the more we understand the heart of the Father.  And the more we understand the heart of the Father the greater the answer there will be in the service of God.  It was just that hymn that stuck with me:

         Thou gav’st us, Father, in Thy love,

         To Christ to bring us home to Thee.

He has given us to Christ, has given us to the One in whom everything is shown, every divine feeling; in Him every thought and every desire of the Father was seen so that we may be brought in.  And the more we understand that blessed One,  the One who has gone into death, the more we see the feelings of the heart of God there, as has been helpfully pointed out. 

DCB  In chapter 12 the Lord says, “Father, glorify thy name”, and in chapter 17 He asks to be glorified Himself by the Father.  The Father is the source of glory in either case.  I am thinking that it is really the whole of the divine feelings at rest and satisfied: is that the thought of glory?

DS  Yes, help us further then as to the two thoughts; I think what you have brought in as to glorifying “thy name” in John 12 is good.  Is the thought of glory in this instance here the thought of seeing every matter is concluded, and that the matter is now moving on to the cross and “I, if I be lifted up out of the earth, will draw all to me”?  The matter of glory had to return to the One who has purposed it so that everything is settled.  The Lord was in the secret of it as a Man here.

DCB   I am interested in the way that the Lord brings that in in that context, as we have said it is not Gethsemane but something of the feelings of Gethsemane, “save me from this hour”, and then immediately, “Father, glorify thy name”; that is, seeing how great the objective is.  He is even leaving the glorification to the Father!  And the Father brings in that He has glorified, and will glorify, which must really be in the life of Christ, that the Father is glorified, and He will glorify again when Christ is glorified.  He desires to be; glory accrues to the Father as having the Son freshly with Him.

DS  That is most instructive and helpful, so that the glory of the Father relates to Christ on earth and Christ in heaven.  Is there something in these two thoughts coming in in John 12 and John 17?  Then you see it in John 20, “I ascend to my Father” (v 17), so that the glorification is a wonderful thing, to see that on earth and in heaven there is glory to the Father seen in the walk of Christ, and then the glorification of that Man who has accomplished everything for His pleasure. 

TWL  Does it show as well that the Father’s name is glorified in how Christ is manifested; He says that to the Father as a Man.  He retains that position eternally, as a Man, but glory is not limited to that.  So He asks the Father that He should be glorified “with the glory which I had along with thee before the world was”.  He says that as a Man!  So He is subject in the position that He has taken up, and yet He is not limited to it because of who He is Himself.

DS  I think what is coming out is very instructive.  It seems to me that, as taking that place as a Man and coming into that walk as glorifying the Father, there is something added for God.  He seeks to be taken up to the place, “glorify methou Father, along with thyself, with the glory which I had along with thee before the world was”.  That glory belonged to Him, but now as becoming a Man there is something added as coming into manhood.  As going back into that place of glory, there is a Man there in heaven who is taking everything for God, fulfilling the purpose of God, and there is glory to God the Father in that.  That is very instructive. 

KRC  In relation to what you have been drawing out, we sang hymn 171 this morning, and I was arrested as to the second verse, which says:

         Thou camest in of old and all

         The heav’nly hosts were stirred.

I was thinking of heaven’s anticipation of this One.  Do you think there is something of that as to this glory that you have been speaking of?  He was always greater than the glory He has won!  But yet there was something that stirred heaven in relation to the Person who was coming in!  I was touched by that this morning, that heaven took a moment for this One who was coming in in such a way.

DS  You can understand, speaking carefully, how anticipatively the heavens are opened upon Him when He came out into this world because there was One here who was going to recover everything for God.  Think of Him coming out; it speaks in John’s gospel about coming out from God and going to God, chap 13: 3.  Think of Him first as a lowly Babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, in meekness and lowliness, One who was a carpenter’s Son.  In everything He did He was manifesting the Father.  You can understand heaven being filled with the praise of this blessed One, and then you see how He is going back as a Man.  He is going back with glory - not only as God in His own Person, but as a Man forever!  He is establishing something further and something eternal for the praise and glory of the Father.

KRC  Heaven could see all the way through to that point that He would be returning, do you think?  It was stirred in its anticipation of that.

DS   So you can understand something in some sense of what will be redounding to the praise of God the Father throughout the ages of eternity because of the nature and work of this blessed Man.

SCL  Could you help with the beginning of chapter 17: 3; it says, “And this is the eternal life, that they should know thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent”?  This is really the objective of eternal life, it is not necessarily our blessing only, but it is that we should be able to witness the glory of divine Persons in a condition outside of failure and breakdown.

DS   Well, it is expressed in the Person:

         “authority over all flesh, that as to all that thou

         hast given to him, he should give them life eternal. 

         And this is the eternal life …”.

He has been the expression of it:

       “And this is the eternal life, that they should

        know thee, the only true God,

        and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent”. 

So the expression of eternal life was seen in Christ Himself in manhood.  That was glory to the Father!  Think of the confusion that was there at the very beginning when the first man came in, and the lawlessness, death and sorrow and disobedience; and here was a Man who was walking according to the will of the Father and He was showing them eternal life, settled conditions, perfect relationships.  And that is why the Father had to give glory to the Son because of the excellence of that blessed Man.

SCL  So Paul talks about the things entrusted, and these are really things that are entrusted, these are things that you would say do not depend on us, but it is what divine Persons want to reveal to us.  It is the preciousness of them.  We are really getting into this sensitive side of what we are saved to, do you think?

DS  That was part of my exercise, that we are given to Christ for a reason!  I am speaking carefully, and you will understand what I mean by that: it is in order that we might understand the heart of the Father expressed in a blessed Man, so that as we go into the service of praise we are with that Man who knows and understands the feelings of God the Father, and we are carried with Him.  Our praise and our response should be intelligent because it is under the hand of the Spirit and it is in accord with His feelings for the Father.

TWL  So in John’s first epistle he speaks there about what he reports, “bear witness and report to you the eternal life, which was with the Father, and has been manifested to us”, chap 1: 2.  What we enjoy is all because something has been manifested and it has been reported to us, “the eternal life, which was with the Father”, that is Christ!  It has been made manifest, not just exactly that it was spoken, but it was seen in function.

DS  When we come together, we come into an atmosphere of eternal life.  That is a wonderful thing to lay hold of, because we are touching something as under the headship of Christ and by the power of the Spirit, in an atmosphere that is conducive to understanding something of divine feelings.  I think that is a wonderful thing!

JTB  Eternal life is not a Person, of course; it is a condition of relationship and being, is it not?  We have to understand that, and that is what Christ introduces us into, eternal life with the Father.

DS   So it has been said that the idea of eternal life is not associated with a day to come - all that is otherwise has been left.  The experience in our spirits now is of the atmosphere which is brought about by subject spirits, subject souls who are under the headship of Christ, and by the Spirit there is an atmosphere now where everything that is going on in heaven can be enjoyed in our spirits.

LH  It speaks in our hymn of love not being concealed.  I wondered if something could be said as to what it says here, “I have manifested thy name to the men whom thou gavest me out of the world”.  The Father’s name would involve divine love.  It is a relationship which we can know; it is not unknown: we can know God.

DS  That is very helpful because it is not something that is at a distance.  We can all, even the youngest child, understand the term “the Father”.  I think the Lord in this setting, as a Man, is seeking to bring us into known relationships.  So that we are brought in, not at a distance; the Lord has removed every distance that there was but He has now brought us into secrets of what He Himself enjoys.  You are brought now in the dignity of what you are as what is conferred upon you as a son.  You are a son of God and you are brought into the joy of sonship with Him who is the Son!  You are brought in to know the relationships with a Father.

LH  You see that relationship in the Son and it is only through Him; He says, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life”, John 14: 6.  It is only through Him that we come to the Father.  It is all through Christ and that relationship.

DS  That is very helpful, and it has to be!  Again, it goes back to my simple thought that we are given to Christ.  We cannot come to the Father through any other source; you will never understand the heart of the Father any other way.  It is laid upon us to learn the Lord Jesus.  Not only that, He is more than that, He wants to lead you to understand the Father.  He is an Instructor; if you learn the Lord then you understand the Father’s heart.

TWL   I have felt for many years that we will never understand our place until we understand what Christ is to the Father.  When we understand that, then we understand what our position is because of that Man; we are in Him: so when we understand where He is, and what He is, and what the Father enjoys in Him, and what He enjoys in the Father, we understand our place.  We understand what sonship is!

DS  I think as you get a little older you begin to get an insight into what the Lord’s desires were as to bringing us into Christianity.  When we are first saved, we are thankful of the fact that we know Him as our Saviour; that is a wonderful thing; I am not taking that away from anyone because it is the foundation of the blessing of every man and woman, but there is far, far more than that!  This is the insight into the secrets of what will be our eternal portion and joy in relationships with the Father.

DHM  We are not only given a view of these things, we experience them, and we are given, as we enter into them, an appreciation of what you might say are divine secrets: the preciousness of the Son to the Father, the feelings of the Father in relation to the Son.  We are brought into something that the world knows nothing of, and it is in a realm where things are settled.  It says in the hymn:

         The Fulness pleased, at rest!

                         (Hymn 221)

We are brought into something and are given the wherewithal to enjoy the experience and to understand and appreciate.  This is not knowledge: it is more than that. 

DS  That is very instructive.  It is not knowledge; this is something that is being worked out in your affections in relation to the will of God, understood by the movements of the Man who has saved you as a sinner and brought you in sonship into the place that He Himself enjoys, and the knowledge, or the secret, of the relationships of that settled place in heaven between the Father and the Son, and this is our privilege and the portion of every blood-bought saint to come into the good of.  You can see something of the Lord’s desires; He says later in this chapter, “I sanctify myself for them”, (v 18); that is another wonderful understanding of the movements of the Lord’s grace separating Himself for the saints to keep us in relation to that area. 

JTB  So great was the Father’s delight in Christ that He sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts.  The replication of that in men is a very wonderful thought, and you can understand as Christ brings us to Him, attracts us to Him, draws us to Him, in virtue of His lifting up, that such a Spirit should be given to them.

DS  That is a very attractive thing; I do not know if I could add anything to that.  He has given that Spirit into our hearts “whereby we cry, Abba Father”, Rom 8: 15.  So there is intelligence there.

JTB  There is a repetition there of what the Lord Himself could say; so we can see how sons are imbued with the same characteristics as Christ, the same feelings towards God, towards the Father.

DS  I need help in this because that was really my thought that as the Lord brings us into that home, that settled environment, it must only be Christ-like feelings that are coming to light. 

DCB  So this chapter proceeds, “the glory which thou hast given me I have given them” (v 22), which settles the person brought in in a suitable place.  He would not have us in His presence without glorifying us.

DS  Yes, very good, “the glory which thou hast given me I have given them”; what dignified persons the saints are!  They are dignified, they are glorified in the sight of the Father, and they have Christ-like feelings and power by the Spirit.  So, if we understand that, we would understand what is there for satisfaction of the Father’s pleasure.

TWL  Is that why the Lord puts in, “for thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world” (24)?  It brings us back to the character of the manhood for the Father that was there that would lie behind all the counsels and the working.  You cannot say that Christ was a Man then, but this also looks on to the character of what Christ would be as Man.  He was loved before the foundation of the world, and that is what we see now.

DS  I am sure that is true and it is a wonderful thing to see that everything that the Father had in His purpose before the foundation of the world has come to pass, and He is glorified in it, in Christ; He is glorified in the saints because they have been given glory; “the glory which thou hast given me I have given them”; it is the same character of glory.  The Lord is distinct, we must always remember that. He is the Son, He is the Beloved, but the thought of what was there before the foundation of the world shows that His purpose and God’s counsels would work everything out amidst the breakdown and the failure and everything that came in, and everything that was in His heart would be brought to pass by this Man.

TWL  “That the love with which thou hast loved me may be in them and I in them”; it is intelligent affection; it is not just a feeling, it is the intelligence of understanding the position. 

DS  I am getting a lot of help in it.  There is a distinction, and I am looking for help as to the thought of the “word” in the last scripture we read, verse 26, “And I have made known to them thy name, and will make it known; that the love with which thou hast loved me may be in them and I in them”.  Could you give us some help as to the distinction between the “word” and the “name”?

JTB  In verse 8 it is, “the words”; that is communication, it suggests something that comes out.  But for the whole sense of what has come out we have to go to John 20: “I ascend to my Father and your Father, and to my God and your God”, verse 17.  The name of the Father is declared in that sense. 

DS   Is making known to them “thy name” bringing out the intelligence of what the revelation of God is? 

JTB  Yes, that is right.  I suppose what had been hidden in the past is now being disclosed in virtue of what Christ has done.

DS   So it shows again the fulness of all that Christ has made known.  He has come out to accomplish so many things, and as young believers we think how  He has accomplished the work upon the cross, but He has accomplished so much more in bringing out what is in the divine secrets and in divine counsels.

DCB  I was thinking about this reference, “And I have made known to them thy name, and will make it known”; as our brother has said, it would directly refer to chapter 20 but really you can see how generation after generation of believers have been introduced into the glory of the relationship with the Father; the Lord has spent the whole dispensation opening up the name of the Father.

DS   Is that the thought of, “and will make it known”?  It says, “I have made known to them thy name, and will make it known”; so there is something continuing right down to the present day by the Spirit, so that we can come into something of the secrets of who the Father is and that which is worthy of His praise.

DCB  So it would give us all the exercise and the desire to know more of the Father.  The exercise of one of the disciples was “shew us the Father and it suffices us” (chap 14: 8), and of course the Lord had to tell them that the Father had already been made known.  It was a right desire, was it not?  And it would be the Lord’s continuing desire to show us the Father, so that we expand in appreciation of the Father.

DS  I think what is being brought out is very helpful, because the more we understand the Father, the more we understand the whole scope of the feelings of divine purpose, and then every divine Person would be acknowledged and given glory in a greater way.  Anything that comes out in our understanding, and our appreciation, of the great purposes of God would only lend to give greater glory and praise to divine Persons as revealed in this time.

JTB  Do you think Ephesians 3: 14-16, “For this reason I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom every family in the heavens and on earth is named, in order that he may give you according to the riches of his glory” suggests something dipping into the wealth of acquaintance with the Father, and all that is enshrined in His Name?

DS  “For this reason I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom every family in the heavens and on earth is named, in order that he may give you according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with power by his Spirit in the inner man; that the Christ may dwell, through faith, in your hearts” (v 14-17); that brings every divine Person in, in that sense.

JTB  It seems to bring out the wealth of the relationship and the atmosphere of the environment into which we are introduced.

DS  It brings in too, “in order that he may give you according to the riches of his glory”, which shows the abundance that is there for us to get into with the help of the Spirit, to see something of the riches of this environment.

TWL  We keep His word as His commandment; and we keep things because of the relationships manifest; “they have kept thy word” is that they kept themselves according to the relationships manifest, and so should we.  So subsequently there is what is functioning while time exists which is eternal in its character and eternal in its relationships.  That is how we keep that word; would that be right?

DS   I am sure it is, and the disciples were at this point, although they needed the Spirit to open up further what they would come into with Christ in glory; they were dependable and trustworthy persons.  They had kept the word, and it would come down to our day, whether we keep the word, “Think of what I say, for the Lord will give thee understanding”, 2 Tim 2: 7.  There is so much relating to the riches to be tapped into and if we keep the Lord’s word and are dependable, the Lord by the Spirit will give us a greater understanding of the riches of the glory of all that is in the divine circle.

TWL   We become regulated by our relationships; we become regulated by love, not by law: that is the difference.  That is what moves us on to eternal ground.


19th September 2021

Key to Initials:


T H Bailey, Edinburgh; D C Brown, Edinburgh; J T Brown, Edinburgh; K R Cumming, Edinburgh; B Henry, Glasgow;
G Henry, Glasgow; L Henry, Glasgow; S C Lock, Edinburgh; T W Lock, Edinburgh; D H Marshall, Edinburgh; D Spinks, Bo’ness